Heh. Now this video gives me a little more to work with.
Fashion errors spotted:
1. Is that her hair, or is there a muppet attacking her head?
2. Doorknocker earings.
3. Shoulder pads. Is she still a cheerleader, or a cross-over linebacker?
I'm curious about something. I wanna know if these videos were all directed by the same person, or if she just has an obsession with black and white, because damn, she uses it enough. Oh, and what's with the flashing text? And slow-mo shots? Eeeeek. Here's something else that confuses me... in two, count them, two videos so far, I have seen string bass. Seen, but not heard. Wouldn't it be a little more honest and apropo to show people playing synthesizers, or electric bass? Cause I damn well know that there's no double bass being played in any of these songs. Finally, is it just me, or is Arsenio Hall in this video?
By all intents and purposes, this should have been a good video. Should have been, but wasn't. First of all, uhm, Keanu "Whoa!" Reeves with Paula "But I'm a Cheerleader" Abdul?!? What the feck? Now, surprisingly enough, this is one of Reeves better acting performances. And isn't that sad? Says a little something about his character maintenance skills, no? And what's with setting this in the 50's? Do 80's pop ballads and classic cars really go together that well? And then there's my problem with the spliced in shots of her face close-up and whistful undulating in way too many non-50's outfits. Hello, continuity? I counted about 5 wardrobe changes for Abdul in one stinking video. Is that really necessary? Oh, and whats with the storyline at the begining? How is it really relevent to the rest of the video? The video would have been a complete story without the first few minutes in the police station. Of course, I must say the shot of Keanu and the monkey at the begining were hilarious. So okay, concept had promise, but -10 points on execution, guys.