12:50 PM
by Cat Named Eggroll
oh, and by the way... I know nobody updates this enough, so if you think we're funny, but not funny enough to make it worth it to keep checking for more entries, I added a subscription thingy, so you can get emailed when we update. But don't worry, you'll never get more than one email per day, even if *ghasp* we update more often than that. And since no one updates, I am open to having more people on here, so if you like to talk a lot of shit, have your people call my people (my emails in the contact section) and we'll do lunch.
Okay, so I'll preface this with an admission. I'm not proud of this fact, but I actually like this song. Fortunately, here we discuss videos, not songs, so it's still fodder for my amusement.
That said, when exactly did crappy futuristic cheese come back in style? Last I heard, that trend had remained in the 80's where it belongs. It starts out with that wierd highway thing. Why? Why not a normal freeway? How about the 5 fwy in Southern CA... it's 7 lanes in either direction, wouldn't that be surreal enough? And then there's that ugly yellow car. Let me announce right now that yellow is not a color that should be used on something as large as a car. It's better for accents. I mean, what, are we going for the son-of-a-schoolbus type look? Cause really, Yikes! Then comes the rehashed robot dance in the first dance part. And ugly outfits in white leather. Do I even have to explain why white leather is wrong? I hope not. Then comes the sequence with the white "I wish I were Jennifer Lopez's green dress thingy" outfit. Maybe the seamstress just forgot a few major seams on this outfit? Was it really hot when they filmed this and they figured her outfit should be air conditioned? And why have pants at all if they're just going to flap around? Oh, and really people, what's with the read hats? If I ever wear anything on my head that even VAGUELY resembles PVC piping, please, shot me quickly and just get it the hell over with. Talk about tunnel vision. Then the scene changes again, thank god, no more scary red things, just Kylie in a disco-ball dress and a lot of slo-mo shots. Yeah, I get it... her dress is supposed to look like the lights going on and off in the skyscrapers behind her. How cute, she matches the city. Nevermind that the dress is hideous and I keep waiting for her mass of curly hair to get caught up on whatever the hell they put on it to make it look reflective. Long story short (too late): Yikes.